Genny Kelley moved to New York City in 2018 and quickly realized how lonely it could be. Knowing one person from college, she set out to make some new friends and gain a new hobby at Choplet Ceramic Studio in Williamsburg. And that she did, only that hobby was just a learning experience that she enjoyed before and after her workday, until COVID-19 hit. Genny lost her job and was scrambling to monetize in any way she could. Once the studio reopened, she became a member and got to work.

Genny made the @meanmuggin_ceramics Instagram page and became obsessed with creating and documenting new items for her kitchen. When she realized she had too many ceramics and not enough space, she posted a sale on her Instagram story and everything sold out immediately! Genny realized that this could really become more than just a hobby. 5 years later, she has sold her ceramics throughout the world. Stick around and stay awhile. We can’t wait for you to come along on this journey and we thank you for your support!

Meet Your Maker

Genny Kelley


Genny Kelley is a full time ceramicist and pottery teacher in Brooklyn, NY. When she’s not making pottery, she enjoys running, grabbing coffee with friends, drinking beers in parks, cheering on the Washington Commanders, and listening to live music. You might even be able to catch her bartending at Burp Castle in East Village.